Our week

Hello 2RB friends!

I can’t believe how quickly has the week gone! It has been a busy one. This is what we have been up to:

In Literacy, we have been talking about everyday routines. We have enjoyed the story about Percy the pig.

We have been able to successfully retell the story both speaking and writing.

In Maths we have been practising counting 1 to 20 using diferent objects and also using bead strings.

We have also been talking about our green choices in 2RB like helping our friends, lining up in silence or using our kind words (just to name a few). Every child has now their own box to be filled up with green things from our green box. Everytime a child makes a green choice they can choose a green object and put it in their boxes. We will count our green choices at the end of every week and when the box is full there will be a surprise!

Here are some pictures of the girls decorating and labeling their boxes. They all look fab!