Bottles and milk bottle/yogurt tops needed!

Bottles and milk bottle/yogurt tops needed!


Donations of milk bottle tops, yogurt tops and 1.5-2 litre bottles would be much appreciated for the science workshop on MAPP day. We need them by Tuesday 19th June please. Bring them to Miss Nakibinge’s classroom (5AN). Thank you


Big little writers

Hi 2RB friends,

I can’t be more excited today! The children in 2RB will never stop surprising me! Today we did some shared writing and everybody was incredibly good at following the instructions: first, it was Miss Maria’s turn to write and everyone was looking and listening. Then, the children had a go and let me tell you that impressed was not a good enough word to describe how Miss Jo and me felt. Well done 2RB, you are all fantastic writers!

See you all tomorrow.

Miss Bratos

Welcome back

Hello 2RB friends,

I hope you all had a fantastic break. I am really sorry for the lack of posts last week but I am now back on track!

Last week we were as busyy as usual. In Maths we learnt about position and direction, in Topic we  answered lots of questions about the story ‘The sheep and the goat’, in PE we practised full, half and a quarter turns. We also went to the park with our friends from year 3 and did great pieces of Art work using leaves, grass, sticks and flowers. Please have a look at some pictures from last week.