Our favourite time of the week

Hello 2RB friends!

As you know, we get to spend some time with our lovely friends Sarah and Jess the dog. This is always our favourite time of the week in 2RB and we always feel excited to read to Jess and also to give him some bicuits after. Look at those beautiful smiles on the children’s faces!

The week ahead

Hello big little minds!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I have really enjoyed mine! But I am happy to start a brand new week in 2RB. And get ready because this is going to be a busy one! Here we go

In Maths we are going to look at place value within 20, focussing on numbers from 11 to 20. We will play games to practise counting to 20 forwards and backwards from any number and we will use dienes and ones to represent numbers. We will also try to get very familiar with the Kagan structure ‘sage and scribe’. In this structure one person is the sage, who needs to think and say what to do and the other person is the scribe, who needs to listen to the sage and then write what is asked to (even if it is not the correct answer!).

This week we will continue with last week’s Topic, the interesting book ‘The day the crayons came home’. Our main learning objective for Writing will be to use capital letters at the beginning of names of people and places. Here is a link to the story, in case you want to show it to your friends and family at home.


We will also have time to focus on a new Project this week. We will become little big scientists and we will try and find out how exercising affects visual memory, attention and alertness. We will carry out 3 different tests, one on Monday, another one on Tuesday and the last one on Wednesday. We will let you know our findings at the end of the week.

This will be a super busy week! We will also start practising Christmas songs for our concert at the end of the term and also we have already started making decorations for our hoop. It is going to be incredible!

See you all tomorrow!

Miss Bratos

Do you feel green or red?

Hi everyone!

As I am sure you know, Metacognition is a big thing here at Rosendale. Research has proven that reflecting on our own learning and thinking about the way we learn has  positive impact in our outcomes.

That is why we have Metacognition lessons every Friday in 2RB. We are always willing to learn new things but we also want to become better learners.

The first thing we need to do is to be aware of our own performance and to be able to identify whether we need help to complete a task or we can do it by ourselves.

We have been using red and green cards to show how we feel about completing a task independently. The green card means ‘I can do it by myself’ and the red card means ‘I need help’. These cards are always available on the table so that the children can use them to help them reflect on their work.

In our Metacognition lessons we have attempted to complete different activities such us zipping up our coats, sittiong on the floor or tying our shoelaces.  We have also been learning how to explain how do we feel about completing a task using metacognitive language. For example: ‘I feel green about zipping up my coat because I can do it by myself’ or ‘I feel red about tying up my shoelaces because I need help to do it’.

I hope you are all having a fantastic week. See you tomorrow!

Miss Bratos


Telling subtraction stories

Hi big little minds!

As you know, we have been learning about subtraction in our Maths lessons.  Last week we were lucky enough to have a few sunny days so we did not miss the opportunity to do some learning outside. We enjoyed practising subtraction with scooters and we told fantastic stories to show how many and this week we had first, how many of them rolled away and how many we had left. Please listen carefully to the girls telling the stories.

Big little writers

Hello 2RB friends!

The girls have been working really hard this week. They got so inspired by what they saw in the London Transport Museum last week that they have made their own books so other people read about it.  Here are a few pictures which show not only the fantastic books they have come up with but also all the fun and effort involved in the process.

Please do not hesitate to have a look at their books when you come to the classroom.

I hope you are all enjoying your weekends!

Miss Bratos

Behaviour management strategies I: Rewards

Hi everyone!

Today, I would like to start a short series of posts on behaviour management. I would like to share with you the strategies we use in 2RB in order to help children understand and regulate their feelings in order to prevent the underlaying causes of disruptive behaviour.

In 2RB we believe in a possitive approach to disruptive and challenging behaviour. We use possitive language (both verbal and non verbal), we try to understand what is the cause of the displayed behaviour, showing empathy and taking in account any difficulties that the children may experiment.

Reward system

In this first post I am going to talk about reward systems. We have a reward system in place in 2RB and all the adults try their best to be consistent and fair when using this strategy.

  • A visual with a picture of the desired reward for the day/part of the day is shown to the child.
  • The rules are explained (if you do …. you will get a star, when you have 5 stars you will get …).
  • The children get a star every time they display a desired behaviour (and lots of praise ‘I love the way you are sitting, you are really really good at sitting, you get a star’).
  • When they get 5 stars, they are praised again and they can get their timer and get their reward (independently or asking verbally for help).
  • They start the timer independently and enjoy their reward.
  • The child is reminded to look at the timer to check if they still have more time to enjoy their reward.
  • When the timer is finished, they are reminded to check the timer (if needed) and they tidy up independently (support if needed).
  • They join back with the rest of the class.


How to choose a good reward

  • Get everything that the child likes out in a room.
  • Tell the child that they can choose what to do.
  • Let them play for about 15 minutes.
  • Show them a timer and explain that you are going to start the timer and when it is finished they will need to stop playing and tidy up but they will be able to play with the chosen toy again another day.
  • If they refuse to tidy up and this ends up in a melt down maybe this will not be the best choice for a reward and they will need to choose something else.
  • If they tidy up (may need lots of support the first time) explain to them that you will keep this toy and they will be able to play with it if they work for it.
  • Present the reward chart (better if it is appealing to them) and explain how it works.
  • Suggest to start working for ….
  • Ask them to do fun and easy things as a game (simon says works very well) and as they follow an instruction they are praised and they get a star.
  • When they have all 5 stars they can have their reward.



  • This will not work if the adults are not 100% consistent.
  • The stars need to be given immediately.
  • Earned stars are never taken away.
  • If they child is struggling to display the desired behaviour and they are not listening to the adult remember to use positive language (‘Wow, one more star and you can get your ….’, ‘I am sure you will be able to have …. soon if you …..’)
  • Be very specific about the behaviours that allow the children to get a star (i.e. sitting nicely, keeping hands on laps, looking at the teacher, etc.)

I hope you find this useful. Please let me know your thoughs!

Thanks for reading,

Miss Bratos

The week ahead

Hi big little minds!

I hope everyone had wonderful weekends! I spend mine relaxing and recharging my batteries to get ready for the week ahead.

This week will be all about transport and the changes that different ways of transport have experimented over the time. As we saw on Friday, the buses, trains, trams and tubes in 1800 and 1900 were very different than the ones we can see nowdays. They have certainly changed a lot!

In Maths, we will learn about subtraction. We will introduce subtraction by telling stories and using repeating language. Then symbols will be introduced and we will write subtraction sentences.

In Topic, we will learn about Transport. Our main focus this week will be to create our own transport books. We will continue to focus on leaving spaces between the words when writing a sentence. Also, we will read what has been written to check it makes sense.

In Phonics we will continue phase 4. We will practise reading and spelling CVCC words and also some tricky words. We will practise handwriting our letters from the jumper and abracadabra families. We will focus on writing on the correct lines.

It is going to be a fantastic week!

See you all tomorrow

Miss Bratos

Buses, trains, tube drivers and horses

Hello big little minds!

What a wonderful time we had yesterday in the London Transport Museum! Everybody was very excited and so well behaved, well done girls!!

We had the opportunity not only to see how is the transport like in London nowadays but also in 1800 and 1900. It has definitely changed a lot! We really enjoyed sitting on the old steam train carriages, looking at the old and new buses, trams and tubes.

We even had the opportunity to become engineers and design our own station and also tube and train drivers! What a fun day! Here you have some pictures.


Trip to London Transport Museum

Hello 2RB friends!

I hope you all are as excited as Miss Claudia, Ms Smith and me about tomorrow’s trip to Covent Garden.

The plan

We will start our morning with some learning together time in 2RB as usual. Then we will get ready for the trip. At 9.30 we will leave the school and we will walk to the bus stop. It will be a long bus ride, all the way to Covent Garden, where we will have a snack. After that, we will go in the museum and enjoy the different exhibitions about old, new and future ways of transport. I am sure everybody will be hungry after all that fun so we will have a break to enjoy eating our packed lunches. We will be back at school just in time to get ready for home time!

What do we need to bring

This afternoon, the children and adults in 2RB came up with a list of things we will need for the trip. Here is the list:

  • Packed lunch
  • Boots (in case it rains)
  • A coat
  • A water bottle
  • A snack
  • Our special necklaces

And we are ready! I can’t wait, see you all tomorrow!